We have been committed to the research, development and production of air filter material products


In the field of air filters, Vite filter materials have invested more resources We can design clean workshops and filter products with various requirements for customers to meet the needs of different customers. 




VITTO FILTER (ZHONG SHAN) CO., LTD is the first in the industry to pass ISO9001:2008 quality management certification and ISO14001:2004 environmental management certification. It covers an area of nearly 12,000 square meters and has a self-built factory of more than 16,000 square meters. It has multiple sets of filter material production Equipment, professional filter production workshop, professional testing equipment. Everything - because of our professionalism! For many years, VITTO FILTER has been committed to the research, development and production of air filtration material products, providing domestic and foreign customers with the highest quality and most comprehensive air filtration products. Six series of dozens of specifications and models have been formed, including medium-efficiency ceiling filter cotton, primary-efficiency filter cotton, glass fiber paint-blocking mesh (floor cotton), bag filter, high-efficiency filter, and activated carbon...


VITTO FILTER products are widely used in surface coating fields Automotive spray baking equipment and production workshops with high requirements for air purification, etc. 

  • Production capacity
    The self-built factory covers an area of more than 16,000 square meters, with multiple sets of filter material production equipment, professional filter production workshops, and professional testing equipment.
  • Professional team
    In the field of air filters, more resources have been invested to design clean workshops and filter products for various requirements for customers.
  • Production equipment
    Committed to the R&D and production of air filtration material products, we provide the highest quality and most comprehensive air filtration products to domestic and foreign customers.
  • Sales network
    Our company has agents or distributors in all large and medium-sized cities across the country. Our products are exported to dozens of countries and regions, and we have formed an effective marketing network.


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